Taking the leap of faith online

Taking the leap of faith online

The most faithful representation of what it means to take a leap of faith I had ever clapped eyes on was depicted in a scene in the finale of the 1989 film, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The gripping scene caught my attention, captured my imagination and has been indelibly etched on my mind since. It perfectly encapsulated this concept within the genre where the superhero finds himself in a clutch situation with everything to lose and somehow finding a way of his predicament in the most fantastical of ways.

Taking a leap of faith over a chasm enabled him to discover a “bridge” to take him to the other side that only became apparent once he put his foot out, risking certain death.

Faith to higher level

As adrenalin-inducing as the scene was, I have come to see that this is often how life itself plays out – definitely how faith works. You have to take risks even though the outcome is not apparent at the time and believe that it will all work out somehow. In the Christian faith, a God of truth is the bedrock and the Rock on which faith is built. It is true, one cannot believe in just anything or something nonsensical: one needs something rock solid.  

What about when running your own business or enterprise? In celebration of Women’s Month in South Africa, I will be highlighting some of the women who have inspired me to give this journey a go. Before we get solely into the girls though, I have to mention a duo or two.

Like most of us during the Covid-19 lockdowns, I found myself scrolling … and stumbled across Kara and Nate Buchanan in Jerusalem, Israel. Bing-watching ensued: their wanderlust left me awe-struck. Additionally, I was hooked by the cinematic quality of their videos and their inviting warmth and vitality and have been enamoured ever since.

How they took their leap of faith to online success inspired me no end, while their antics on the Austrian Ladder to heaven challenged my comfort zone. They were in part, a catalyst that set me thinking that perhaps, I could also follow the pull of my heart.   

Compelling storytelling

In addition, productive lockdown scrolling led me to Jonna Jinton, whose life in rural Sweden produced visceral emotions evoked by compelling storytelling. Her ethereal voice narrated how she took an unpopular decision to move from her home in Gothenburg to remote Grundtjärn with a population of ten. To date, it has garnered a whopping 13 million views on YouTube.


This Nikon-wielding photographer, riveting storyteller and creative artist with quite an arsenal of creative talents up her sleeve wove an intoxicating tale. My heart soared as I caught a glimmer of my own dreams.

Jonna describes her work as follows: “Here on my YouTube channel, I share a mix of everything that I feel passionate about. From stories and glimpses of my everyday life to music, kulning (Nordic herding calls), painting, ice baths, nature and inspirational films and much more.” It has taken her a decade to build a channel that has grown to more than 4,75 million subscribers. Her hard work has paid off.

Degree in Communication

Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 turned the world upside down and affected us all one way or another. Yet, for me, it was the time when I seemed to find new, visual inspiration on YouTube. Phenomenal women started to pop into my home feed.

I would like to highlight three from the United States of America (USA) among others; from divergent backgrounds, ethnicities, stages of life, career paths, etc. The one thing that tied them all together was their qualification in Communication. It is clear why their stories resonated with me so uniquely.

In good stead

Joanna Gaines, of mixed ancestry – Korean, German and Lebanese – first came to my attention when she recounted her journey of flipping houses and founding Magnolia, her first shop in Waco, Texas. Her degree in Communication attained at Baylor University in Waco was what obviously intrigued me. It had surely stood her in good stead as she pursued her design passions using it to build a mini-empire with her polar-opposite husband, Chip Gaines.

Despite being busy with a young family and eschewing watching television at the time, they managed to host the popular HGTV show, Fixer Upper, almost developing cult status in the United States.  Surprisingly, it was reminiscent of Freddie Mercury – another seminal artist who has inspired me on this creative journeywho mentioned not listening to the radio much to focus on his own craft. Perhaps, there is an invaluable nugget of truth to be gleaned.

Joanna Gaines on the cover of her book.

Chip and Joanna have emphasised that their journey had not been easy, especially during the housing crisis of 2008 when their chips were definitely down. Courage and perseverance under pressure got them through. Yet, with a proliferation of phenomenal renovation projects like flipping houses, a retail store, Magnolia Market at the Silos, and even a castle to their name – with tourists flocking to their precious, slightly off-the-beaten-track city, Waco in Texas – they have a pretty impressive story.

Now in her 40s, credited with quarterly publications, books, YouTube and social media success; this Communication graduate certainly had that little something extra to create an extraordinary life.

Looking good from the outside in

While we were in tracksuit pants and under strict lockdown regulations, Dominique Sachse, a well-known Houston television presenter of German stock’s message kept inspiring me to keep looking good from the outside in. I was delighted to discover a respected Communication alumna with gumption, intelligence, style and elegance that captivates. Her career in broadcasting to a closet wannabe journalist like me was the cherry on the cake.

Dominique Sachse PHOTO: FACEBOOK

I have witnessed Dominique navigate divorce, lose her beloved mama, wave her son, Styles, goodbye as he set forth on a new path and watch as she tackled life’s challenges. Always up to the task, she has been resolute yet authentic all the while expressing how her faith has grounded her.

Despite the highs and the lows, she has managed to expand her online repertoire to include a podcast, be highly successful on YouTube as an influencer in the highly lucrative 40s and 50s space where she has been the vanguard to help us to believe we can look and feel better from the outside in. Did I mention her phenomenal book, Life Makeover: Embrace the Bold, Beautiful, and Blessed You, and award-winning career in television? I am sure you can understand why this Houston-based television presenter made such an impression on me.


On her website, Dominique describes her achievements as follows: “Achievements are always a team effort. … The University of Houston, my Alma Mater, named me ‘Outstanding Young Communications Alumna’ and ‘Distinguished Alumni’.

“As a content creator, words can’t describe the moment that shiny gold YouTube plaque arrived signifying that I had surpassed the 1 million viewer mark.” Inspired?

Towering personalities

Moving on from Texas, a certain American royal commentator took me by surprise. She reminded me a little of the feisty, no-nonsense Esther Krakue working from the United Kingdom.

Magatte Wade, Kara and Nate Buchanan, Esther Krakue and Nana Akua.
Magatte Wade, Kara and Nate Buchanan, Esther Krakue and Nana Akua PHOTOS: FACEBOOK/TWITTER

According to her site, she “regularly provides political commentary across the broadcast media, including ITV’s Good Morning Britain and Talk TV where she shares insightful perspectives, promotes open dialogue, and delves into the complexities of our world.” Furthermore, “In an era marked by polarization, she strives to bring nuance and balance to the conversations we have, while always remaining true to her principles.”

Then there is the unapologetically candid Nana Akua, whom I discovered on GB News. Nana’s comment also resonated with my heart, “One of my earliest memories of wanting to be involved in television was as a seven-year-old girl, sitting in front of the TV and pretending I was on it!” And she achieved it when she was a little older to boot. It so embodies the spirit of Sparkles and fairy lights.  

Perhaps gentler in her countenance, she is no less contrarian and emphatic in her views, especially about certain royals, notably the Duchess of Sussex. But who is this American royal-news watcher? Her website describes her as “an American YouTuber, entrepreneur, actress, pug-lover, and most importantly, a proud mother and wife.”  

Royally Teachable Moments

You can regularly hear her dispensing her royally teachable moments on YouTube and buy the sticker if you would like to as well. Apparently, Meghan Markle was not the only one who was inspired by the late Princess Diana.

Patricia Demetriou PHOTO: FACEBOOK

Patricia Demetriou [aka PDina} graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and Theatre and has a Master’s in Global Business Studies from Fort Hays State University.” 

“Demetriou’s light-hearted and curious nature shines through her analytical yet hilarious commentary on the royal family and their unique affairs.” I was delightfully surprised when she covered the Earthshot Prize in Boston last year when both the Prince and Princess of Wales were present and hosted a pre-coronation party in London for her followers there in May this year. It is pretty incredible where a love for royalty can take you on YouTube. Other accolades can be read here.

Heart for Africa

As an African trying to carve out a space in the online solopreneurial world; I am personally finding it to be quite the challenge to be honest.

It would be remiss of me not to mention an amazing African woman championing entrepreneurship on the continent and her voice cannot be ignored. Her name: Magatte Wade. The 47-year old’s fiery passion for the people of Africa and her home country of Senegal, in particular, is patently clear.

Her motivation is centred on fighting for more Africans to have the opportunity of making their mark in business and finding prosperity in Africa while reducing some of the bureaucratic red tape that prevents small businesses and entrepreneurs from thriving. She wants to help African entrepreneurs to have an Africa where it is a little bit easier to do business.

I was first enthralled by her acumen when I saw her in conversation with Dr Jordan B Peterson. The YouTube video has now garnered more than 1,7 million views and 8 000 comments. This confident, outspoken, fiery advocate for Africa is unforgettable, in part due to her eloquence and common-sense approach mixed with a healthy dose of intellectual acumen.

Magatte defines herself as follows: “I am a Cheetah Entrepreneur who believes the Free Markets and economic freedom is the pathway for Africa to leapfrog ahead, with Africans taking the uncontested leading role in the co-creation of 21st century prosperity for all, innovation, culture and technology.”

Passionate and taking the leap of faith

We need more women like them who, driven by a deep passion, have forged out unique paths that inspire those of us who may feel insecure: not good enough, too old, untalented, possessing the wrong qualifications, the wrong background or ethnicity. None of them have had their voices stilled but pursued what was in their hearts and built a captivated audience hungry for what they bring to the table.   

God leads us with his soft voice, although yes, it can be like thundering waters too, but often he gently guides us on our way. It is up to us to heed the call of the whispers in our hearts and take a leap of faith.  These women, not only inspire us to become what we dream of, but also provide compelling physical evidence of how to get it done, sometimes against great odds. What stops you from fulfilling your potential? What stops me?

Let me know in the comments. Any other thoughts or impressions; drop them below too. 

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