Faith in the fruit of my labour – and confidence to continue

Faith in the fruit of my labour – and confidence to continue

As I prayed, the message in my heart was always to trust God. To trust that He would reward me for the effort I put in and that there would be fruit to show for it somehow. The words of the late Derek Prince, in a recorded piece, rammed home the fact that no fruit is produced without cultivation – and cultivation is hard work. From planting the seeds, fertilising the soil, watering it, removing weeds, ensuring the right amount of exposure to sunlight, etc.

Workplace confidence busters in your 40s

Workplace confidence busters in your 40s

If perimenopause is not on your radar, all of the above is likely to cause considerable heartache. But there is good news – the problems outlined above could very well be as a result of the fluctuating hormones of perimenopause, and treatable. First, let’s look at what perimenopause is and then at five common ways that fluctuating hormones trip you up at work.

Fabulous style in our 40s
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Fabulous style in our 40s

I decided to make a sincere effort in this sphere of fashion a while back. I trawled YouTube and in recent years have found women whose style I admire and managed to learn a few lessons on the way. I have long longed for a tribe to belong to creatively, but online, I found women who were all in their forties and beyond, women who were thriving and had style in spades. To boot, they were dispensing helpful advice by the bucket; advice I thought was valuable and could take to heart.