On track for redemption

On track for redemption

Crossroads, forks in the road, stop signs, glaring lights; whatever it may be, it sure has a way of telling us to alter our course. Something that seemed so simple has been thrown off-centre and one finds oneself still trying to pick up the pieces. In just such a way, calamity knocked on Chloe’s door one day… And she needs a miracle, redemption and resurrection of sorts. What does the Bible say about resurrection and redemption? How does a miracle involving Jesus, Lazarus, Mary and Martha shed light on this? 

Deceived and paying the price

Deceived and paying the price

In her effort to gain instant gratification, Maxie ended up paying a hefty price for it and we benefit from her pain by paying attention to her story. It mirrors someone else’s as graphically depicted in only three chapters of the Bible, yet this biblical story has reverberated through the ages and affected each of our lives, whether we like it or not. Who is she?

A spectacular fall from grace

A spectacular fall from grace

What drove her though? What was in her heart to convince her that she deserved only the best, so much so that she would walk over others in her pursuit of it with scant regard for their well-being? As long as she was able to maintain her image, be seen in all the right places and snapped in the right circles, she could not care less. What drove her to such lengths, why was she so conniving? Hard and unflinching? Did it mask a huge sense of insecurity?