Woman with a massive pink bow in a black suit.
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How we dress matters


As those still privileged to work from home attest, being able to wear a tracksuit during meetings frees up the time to actually prepare and puts less stress on already chock-full schedules. I know from some remote workers that this works perfectly well.

However, I have to point out that when in-person meetings do occur, effort is still exerted to ensure that professionalism is maintained. Is how we dress also not an expression of our respect for each other? I suppose I am referring to dressing appropriately aren’t I?

Since that day in the garden when God clothed Adam and Eve, wearing clothes has been important. Furthermore, various other Scriptures exhort us to be aware of how we present ourselves and caution us to wear the right garments. Some garments are figurative, of course, but it reflects an aspect of what we choose to wear, display, etc. The Scriptures below shed more light.

From the Scriptures quoted above, it is clear that the Bible has a standard for how we are to present ourselves. It matters to God. Not that we are fashionistas or spend a fortune on clothes but rather that we represent his kingdom as ambassadors. The requirement is not opulence; our clothes simply have to be modest, clean, neat and tailored to suit our bodies.

Season's greetings

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Imogen Campbell
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