Workplace confidence busters in your 40s

Workplace confidence busters in your 40s

If perimenopause is not on your radar, all of the above is likely to cause considerable heartache. But there is good news – the problems outlined above could very well be as a result of the fluctuating hormones of perimenopause, and treatable. First, let’s look at what perimenopause is and then at five common ways that fluctuating hormones trip you up at work.

For appearance’s sake

For appearance’s sake

Why are we so fixated on simply being pretty? Why is having other strengths and being endowed with fine character not as esteemed these days? Yet, we are obsessed, as the surge in the number of beauty-related surgeries indicates. I dig into what might be driving this obsession – mentioning an interesting plastic surgery hub and hotspot. The perils of plastic surgery and those who have succumbed. The complications that could arise. I also mention biblical heroes and heroines of old and the role beauty played in their lives.

All hail the King

All hail the King

King Charles III was officially and regally crowned king in all his glory and power this past Saturday. In the light of all things balance, I will tread a fine line between the loyal royalists on the one hand versus the detractors and anti-monarchists on the other to give you my middling take on this. Who cares and why you may ask? Well, I found myself pondering on the life and reign of another great king …