What makes for effective crisis communication?

What makes for effective crisis communication?

An alarming upswing in disasters worldwide is being experienced: be it weather, war or warnings being sounded about humanitarian crises, etc. people are being pummelled with it. But are we prepared for it as solopreneurs and small business owners? The challenge is whether we will know how to handle it, and, if need be, through effective crisis communication.

Women’s workplace productivity wreckers in our 40s – and how to overcome

Women’s workplace productivity wreckers in our 40s – and how to overcome

Perimenopause, the time when productivity and punctuality are seemingly out the door and wasted time the order of the day. More and more, women are being whopped by their hormonal fluctuations and productivity bludgeoned, while confidence is dashed and self-doubt taunts.

Rookie mistakes to avoid when building first WordPress.org website

Rookie mistakes to avoid when building first WordPress.org website

A comprehensive list (blow-by-blow account it feels like) of aspects to consider before building your first WordPress.org website that some of the pain can at least be spared and you can make informed decisions taken from a newbie. Bear in mind that I am not tech savvy as a matter of course.