God meets our needs
God will provide for our needs as somewhat struggling creatives as we set out on our path to creative and financial freedom with Advent as the backdrop.
God will provide for our needs as somewhat struggling creatives as we set out on our path to creative and financial freedom with Advent as the backdrop.
Artificial intelligence’s effect on the job market is juxtaposed with God’s goodness and purposes, while Advent is the backdrop.
God cares about how we present ourselves; not that we own the latest statement piece or spend excessively on clothes. No, that is not the point. Read what is …
Advent Have you ever heard of the infamous Oxford don Reverend Spooner? Well, his claim to fame is that he generously gifted the world the concept of spoonerism. And my gut tells me that he probably elicited a giggle or two in his rarefied circles. But what is it? A spoonerism is a speech error in which…
Advent Fear of failure – for the longest time without fail, a dogged enemy. Always lurking, stalking me wherever I went, keeping me awake at night, incessant, in the shadows – ready to pounce and destroy me. So fearful was I at one stage that I perceived failing at anything as bad. Instantly, it made…
Advent It is that momentous, fabulously lucky day we all fantasise about – when our dreams come true and the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself. That is the day I am talking about. Will you be ready for that day? As it is Advent and we are eagerly awaiting the Second Coming of…
Advent In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 In the authentic spirit of Christmas, it would be highly remiss of me not to remind you…
Advent … and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12 Is…
Advent They say that “fortune favours the bold”. No, you don’t have to be beautiful; just bold. Get the gimmicky nod to that day-time soap that had South Africans tuning in so long? But why bold though? Someone who exhibits boldness seems to possess certain traits. Oxford dictionary describes it as having a, “willingness to take…
Advent I can almost hear The Lord of the Rings’ haunting, suspense-inducing musical score and, in my mind’s eye, see Frodo Baggins and Co on their journey to carry out a near-impossible mission. There they were, brothers in arms and sojourners at large, braving all kinds of danger en route a treacherous assignment. It was…