Communication is vital!

How can its essential nature even be questioned? The idea that a business can get along without adequate communication and communicators to take its message authoritatively to the world cannot be seen as anything but tantamount to recklessness surely? Or can it?


Mistakes are unavoidable when building your first website

Mistakes are unavoidable when building your first website

Building your first website from scratch with very little knowledge or being especially tech savvy is daunting when you are older, but it can be done. I just built one and though it is not a masterpiece by any stretch…

Rookie mistakes to avoid

Rookie mistakes to avoid when building first website

Communicating with an audience, target market, partners, customers, stakeholders, etc. is crucial for any business. One of the most essential and credible ways to do that is through a website. Like social media, it informs people of what they can…

People being interviewed and filmed.

The value of communication in a crisis

It would appear that not a week goes by these days without some organisation finding itself flailing at the centre of a crisis. These past two were off the charts. The standoff in Russia was as unexpected as it was…

Effective communication saying nothing at all

Effective communication saying nothing at all

Reading the room Are you good at “reading the room”? Is it even important for the solopreneur or leaders and owners of small businesses? And what exactly does it mean? Well, in a nutshell, it means understanding the subtle, non-verbal…

In defence of communication

In defence of communication

I was flabbergasted one day, actually completely blown out of the water, dumbfounded and rendered completely speechless when the idea was bandied about that Corporate Communication as a discipline was not VITAL. Is Communication vital? As a Communication Science graduate,…

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