Communication is vital!

How can its essential nature even be questioned? The idea that a business can get along without adequate communication and communicators to takes its message authoritatively to the world cannot be seen as anything but tantamount to recklessness surely? Or can it?


Iced biscuits for the Advent season

Despite the odds, a season of hope

Advent Christmas lights are already sparkling and beckoning delight, bells are jingling and gingerbread men and other fragrant baked goodies are all making a welcome return for this festive season. Beautifully iced biscuits perfect for Christmas and the Advent season…

Taking the leap of faith online

Taking the leap of faith online

The most faithful representation of what it means to take a leap of faith I had ever clapped eyes on was depicted in a scene in the finale of the 1989 film, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The gripping…

Beautiful customer service representative

Top transferable skills drawn from customer-service experience 

Can you relate to some of my generation who have expressed some regret about their career choices? After all, we remember the days before Google and we had phones that were definitely not smart. The unfolding career landscape back then,…

What makes for effective crisis communication

What makes for effective crisis communication?

An alarming upswing in disasters worldwide is being experienced: be it weather, war or warnings being sounded about humanitarian crises, etc. people are being pummelled with it. But are we prepared for it as solopreneurs and small business owners? The…

Safeguarding your brand’s reputation – be royally successful online

Safeguarding your brand’s reputation – be royally successful online

Prevailing thought, as espoused by PT Barnum and Oscar Wilde, before social media and the digital explosion of today was that any publicity was good publicity even if one was at the receiving end of bad press. This notion should…

Mistakes are unavoidable when building your first website

Mistakes are unavoidable when building your first website

Building your first website from scratch with very little knowledge or being especially tech savvy is daunting when you are older, but it can be done. I just built one and though it is not a masterpiece by any stretch…

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