Health and wellness

It is why I feel compelled to share this with other women. It is what I want to tell my story so that perhaps another woman struggling out there will hear it and have an inkling of what’s going on and get the necessary help.


Safeguarding your brand’s reputation – be royally successful online

Safeguarding your brand’s reputation – be royally successful online

Prevailing thought, as espoused by PT Barnum and Oscar Wilde, before social media and the digital explosion of today was that any publicity was good publicity even if one was…

What makes for effective crisis communication

What makes for effective crisis communication?

An alarming upswing in disasters worldwide is being experienced: be it weather, war or warnings being sounded about humanitarian crises, etc. people are being pummelled with it. But are we…

Beautiful customer service representative

Top transferable skills drawn from customer-service experience 

Can you relate to some of my generation who have expressed some regret about their career choices? After all, we remember the days before Google and we had phones that…

Taking the leap of faith online

Taking the leap of faith online

The most faithful representation of what it means to take a leap of faith I had ever clapped eyes on was depicted in a scene in the finale of the…

Biblical help for boundaries on the job and in life

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