Hi and welcome to my writing adventure
I started out with a qualification in finance, but soon realised that though detailed orientated, it was the word kind. I am fascinated by the written word and driven by the Word of God.
As a truth seeker, both have stood me in good stead. Writing has provided a way for me to clarify my thinking and get to the other side of some seriously muddled thoughts addled and stymied by a paralysis of analysis. Journalling has been a life saver as I employed it as a key resource to get me through the various crises and mishaps of life.
I graduated with a major in Communication Science later on, then proceeded to work for various publishers, Writing has obviously stood me in good stead. I am determined to develop both my language proficiency and related skills, all the while delighting in and relishing the beauty and power that words have as they conjure up memories, ignite emotions, convey thought and evoke the senses.
Please join me on this relevantly personal, somewhat vulnerable journey that I have embarked upon. I plan to write about facets of communication and confidence as well as about the importance of balance and boundaries.
Most of the content will be informed from a wealth of lived experiences, gleanings from experts as sought over the years and the resultant musings garnered over the decades and I am so looking forward to engaging with you. My goal is to deliver content that is high quality, verifiable, inspiring, motivational and of value to you.